How to Maintain Your Door Locks: Tips for Keeping your Home Safe

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Door locks play a crucial role in the safety and security of your home. If you do not maintain door locks, they can become faulty or damaged. This may make it difficult to enter or exit your house. Many different types of door locks can be installed to ensure protection for your family and property: deadbolts, door chains, sliding door levers, and keyed door knob sets. We’ve put together some tips that will help keep these door lock systems working properly so you don’t have any problems with them down the line!

How to maintain your door locks with 8 simple tips

We will cover the main aspects from basic maintenance to more complex things such as verifying your door is hung correctly. We hope this “How to” article serves as a useful guide and if it does please share it with others.

1- How often should you lubricate door locks?

Lubricating door locks is a very important part of maintaining them. Door locks should be lubricated every six months to ensure that they continue to work properly. Lubricant can help prevent the build-up of dirt and debris, which can cause the lock to malfunction over time. There are many different types of lubricants available on the market that are specially formulated for door locks.

2- What is the best lubricant for door locks?

The best lubricant for door locks is one that is specifically designed for this purpose. It should be a non-drying formula so that it will not gunk up the lock over time. A good quality lubricant will also protect the metal from corrosion. Look for a product that has a high rating on Amazon or other online retailers to ensure that you’re getting a quality product. WD-40 is a very popular lubricant to maintain your door locks and is available at all major retailers. Be careful if you use an abrasive or chemical cleaner, it can harm the lock. 

3- How do you lubricate door locks?

To lubricate door locks, you will need to apply the lubricant to the keyhole and the bolt. Make sure that you get into all of the nooks and crannies so that the lock is well-lubricated. Don’t forget to also lubricate the strike plate on the door frame! This type of lock maintenance is recommended at least once a year.

4- What are the signs of door lock problems?

If your door locks have started to give you trouble, several warning signs should be looked out for. For example, if they feel sticky or hard to turn when opening and closing the doors then it is time for some lubrication. If your locks seem to be difficult for you to turn, then there may be dirt or another build-up inside of them that needs some cleaning. Check for loose door screws, strike plate or you may be using an old worn key. When in doubt always consult with a professional locksmith

If the door lock does not feel secure when shutting it can mean one of two things: either the mechanism is becoming faulty due to daily wear and tear, or someone has tried breaking into your home and damaged the lock. In either case, it is best to call in a professional to take a look at the locks and assess the situation.

5- When should you replace a damaged lock?

If your home has experienced any break-ins, vandalism, or property damage, it is important to have the locks replaced as soon as possible. Check if there are visible signs of wear on your door locks, they may need to be serviced to prevent any injuries. If you come home and find that your key no longer fits the lock, you may need a new doorknob set or deadbolt installation as soon as possible!

6- Are there other ways I can keep my locks working properly?

Yes! There are many different steps that you can take which will help ensure proper function. If you have a deadbolt lock, it is important to keep the keyhole clean and free of debris so that your door can open properly. This will help extend the life of your locks! You should also ensure that any exterior or interior doors are well-oiled to prevent rusting over time which could lead to damage within the internal locking mechanisms. By following these simple tips, you can help keep your home safe and secure!

Proper maintenance can save you from calling an emergency locksmith service.

7- Make sure the door is hung properly

Many people overlook this step, but if the door isn’t hung properly, it can cause a lot of stress on the locking mechanisms. The hinges should be adjusted so that the weight of the door is evenly distributed and doesn’t put too much pressure on one side or the other.

8- Our final lock maintenance recommendation

Make a copy of your house key. One of the easiest ways to keep your locks working properly is by making a backup copy of your house key. Keep this second set of keys somewhere safe, like in a locked box at home or with you while traveling! This way if you ever find yourself locked out, there will be no need for an emergency call to your local locksmith.

If you find problems after you are done with your door lock maintenance call Armstrong Locksmith if you are in Nashville, TN. Our staff can inspect hinges, door screws, strike plates, any faulty locking mechanism on any door, and just about anything related to door locks.